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Search Strategies Regulatory Validation

Automated Validation

Benchmarked Searches Data Source Number of experiments Outcome Reports
FDA Adverse Effects PubMed 701 +66% hits AE Report
Market Approved Drug Labels PubMed 3,286 +71% hits MA Drugs
MeSH Terms PubMed 8,943 +47% hits MeSH Report
Titles Coming Soon
DOIs Coming Soon
Chemicals PubMed 3,878 +44% Chemicals Report
Authors Coming Soon

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You can validate search strategies during regulatory audits as our AI is transparent and reproducible. This means that you will always know what is happening behind the curtains and how to explain it:

  • You can copy paste the query generated on PubMed and verify the same results.
  • You can paste the query explanation directly into your audit file.

Transparent AI

When you perform a search in PapersHive, our AI will automatically screen full-text 370+ million data points. PubMed references, Clinical Trials, Patents and Non-PubMed literature (check our sources). Each of the keyword you input, is going to match in the full-text of the data source you specified.

You will also be able to see analytics in the form of MeSH Terms, Key Opinion Leaders, MeSH Subheadings and Chemicals. The numbers associated to it represents how many results are there that match those criteria.

Manually reproducible

During an audit, you might be asked why you choose a certain search strategy. If you used PapersHive this process is pretty straight forward:

  • Each search strategy has all the terms in their full-text and can be checked manually.
  • Results associated with a search can be saved into a file (.bib, .nbib, .enw or .ris) and given to a Regulatory Authority
  • Results associated with a search can be proved by showing a correlation between the terms of the search, and the appearance of such words in their full.text.
  • Alerts shows all the references through a link and can also be easily exported into CSV, Excel and PDF for submissions.